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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. attax420

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    sowas würd ich persönlich echt nicht empfehlen. du bekommst nen relativ zügigen root VPS schon ab ca. 5€ im monat bei 1blu z.B. da kannst dann mit 4 Kernen, 8GB RAM, 1Gbit up/downstream und 120GB SSD machen was du willst und so viele Gameserver und Webservices hosten wie die Leistung hergibt...
  2. attax420

    First installation of Sinusbot

    Follow the guide I posted here: https://forum.sinusbot.com/threads/discord-no-music-sound-maybe-changed-discord-voice-api.8748/page-2#post-51789 but you need to install docker first: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ I have setted up the docker container so that you just need to...
  3. attax420

    Ts geht aber Discord

    I normally would recommend to use the official sinusbot docker image, but unfortunately it is outdated and requires you to compile a newer python version inside the container to get it running and a lot of the packages are very outdated. But because you are very lucky today, I went through the...
  4. attax420

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    I normally would recommend to use the official sinusbot docker image, but unfortunately it is outdated and requires you to compile a newer python version inside the container to get it running and a lot of the packages are very outdated. But because you are very lucky today, I went through the...
  5. attax420

    Discord no music/sound (maybe changed Discord Voice API)

    I normally would recommend to use the official sinusbot docker image, but unfortunately it is outdated and requires you to compile a newer python version inside the container to get it running and a lot of the packages are very outdated. But because you are very lucky today, I went through the...