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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Frizzant

    Solved Admin Password (sqllite and command not working)

    ok... not exactly sure why - but it suddenly works again.... whatever. delete - sorry for the spam.
  2. Frizzant

    Solved Admin Password (sqllite and command not working)

    Hello So I am having the issue, that i cannot reset my password. I was able to login with it once, since then it's not possible anymore. It dind't work from the start. I tried: ./sinusbot -pwreset=foobar and
  3. Frizzant

    EN Scripting

    Thanks so much! You earned a USEFUL!
  4. Frizzant

    EN Scripting

    Hello fellow Maties I was wondering if there are some more details, on how to start scripting for the Sinusbot. And is it only Javascript, or what are the limitations in what i can do? I had in mind, there was a info site about this some time ago - but i just can't find it. Thanks :)
  5. Frizzant

    Solved Update: Sinusbot 0.9.8 -> Sinusbot Beta

    ok, after adding the mentioned script from irgendwer (https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/linux-bootscript-for-the-sinusbot.6/) i got the bot to run after boot. Let's see what the next issues will be ;) See you *everyone* :D
  6. Frizzant

    Solved Update: Sinusbot 0.9.8 -> Sinusbot Beta

    Yep. Recursively. teamspeak3:staff worked with last installation. After doing: rm /tmp/.X11-unix/X40 I can start the bot without root! sudo -u teamspeak3 ./sinusbot
  7. Frizzant

    Solved Update: Sinusbot 0.9.8 -> Sinusbot Beta

    Hello my fellow Companions! BLUE: my input GREEN: output i get from the Program/Script I am Running Debian 8, with TS3 Server and rBMod. Multiple Websites etc. After being happy with my installation for 8 Months, i want to upgrade/update to the BETA Version. Now I basically swapped out...
  8. Frizzant

    TS Client Won't Launch With Youtube-DL Installed

    Just to test, if it really is the Youtube-DL - maybee uninstall it or change dir name, then check if the server boots correctly again.
  9. Frizzant

    EN Follow Script + Stop on disconnect

    Hello There I was thinking about making a simple follow script with my friend. Since i am not the best programmer (which you may have noticed, when i was asking for some help), i was hoping to get the opportunity to make a "follow <user>" script with my friend. I don't know if you api is secret...
  10. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    Ok... another update. It works now. It had to do with the VPN over which i could not connect to the port 8087 for some reason. After the network admin took out all firewall restrictions for me, it worked. Meaning, it works. We both now know a little more, that VPNs always (or atleas the...
  11. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    this is it :) meanwhile i will restart the debian, and see what happens after. edit: no change after restart. teamspeak3@Debian-82-jessie-64-LAMP:/root$ xinit /usr/local/teamspeak3/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/ts3soundboard/ts3bot -- /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 -ac xinit...
  12. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    what the bug? The soundbots are online in the TS, but the interface is not.
  13. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    ok, the bind issue only happens with the second instance. So the binding works. When i try to connect, i get infinite loading. Not a "site does not exist". netstat -a shows me the port 8087 as binded. So the bug/issue must be somewhere starting the interface/bots etc... ?
  14. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    Oh... here is one more! (...) --> 2015-12-28 08:24:30.516331|ERROR |Query | |bind failed on (...) the rest of the log: 2015-12-28 08:24:30.488545|INFO | | |TeamSpeak 3 Client (2015-10-22 11:14:48) 2015-12-28 08:24:30.489216|INFO | | |SystemInformation: Linux...
  15. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    oh... sh3#! well then there must be more issues going on^^ because i cannot connect. (...) 2015-12-28 08:24:27.941889|ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| |libasound.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 2015-12-28 08:24:27.946923|ERROR |SoundBckndIntf| |libpulse.so.0: cannot open...
  16. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    everything behind "//" is for other users experiencing same, or similar issues, so they get what is going on. Yep... i got further with su teamspeak3 //running as user teamspeak3, before entering the next command Starts, and after getting a bunch of errors, i did chown -R teamspeak3 * //i...
  17. Frizzant

    Xinit (...) 0 instead of 1 items (...)

    Hello everyone I just can't get this bot to work, without root. Any ideas? The internet(google) just won't help me. VServer OS: Debian 8, jessie 64bit 2GB Ram 1GHz CUP xinit /usr/local/teamspeak3/teamspeak3-server_linux-amd64/ts3soundboard/ts3bot -- /usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 800x600x16 -ac...
  18. Frizzant

    Solved "TS Client quit"

    Ja super... jetzt krieg ich das unmuten nicht hin. Da gibts jetzt nur einen Forenbeitrag dazu, und der hilft genau nichts. Help. Fixed :D Reboot hat dann gehlofen :D
  19. Frizzant

    Solved "TS Client quit"

    Es ist drauf! ich hatte das libsound...blabla... im falschen plugin ordner, und auch noch zum falschen tsclient gewiesen. Jetzt ist der bot zwar stumm... aber das wird wohl lösbar sein
  20. Frizzant

    Solved "TS Client quit"

    bin grade an einer lösung.. habe zu .run gewiesen... hat aber noch mehr was falsch sein muss
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