• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Where and how to get the hosting version? I want to sell the bot! What about sponsoring?


The hosting version is not publicly available and won't be before version 1.0. If you are interested in hosting a huge amount of bots (I'm talking 200+ here), feel free to contact @flyth on the forums. The hosting version will not become generally available to everyone anytime soon.

Please refrain from messages like "I'm thinking of starting a business...", "I want to sell the bot, but my website is not yet ready" or such and come back, if you seriously want to apply as a hosting partner and have the proper audience for that. :)

There are no licenses for sponsored hosting, yet.

However, here are some basic facts of that version:
It's capable of running *many* customer-separated instances on one host (I've seen around 180 on a mediocre server - ~2.x GHz Xeon / 8 Cores, 32G RAM - without any load-saving features enabled - with those features enabled, many more instances would be supported). A provisioning API is available for creating & managing customer instances. There are also some protective features in place that prevent misuse of several client-features (banner spamming and such).
Automatic logins can be created from other webinterfaces and the whole frontend API is open, well documented and accessible for further customization / integration.
If you're a serious hosting company and want to do some stress testing, please contact me to get a demo-license that will help you do so.