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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by ReptoxX

  1. R

    TS3Client immediately quits

    Please dont just edit your Entry with this kind of message. To help others, you could post your fix please
  2. R

    EN Executing youtube-dl from Script

    Yea it works ^^ - Thank You!
  3. R

    EN Executing youtube-dl from Script

    Okay i tried it with the function "play(string);" (string) this can be a real url for streams or ... Cannot playback URL of type text/html; charset=utf-8 Thats my result But okay :(
  4. R

    EN Executing youtube-dl from Script

    Hello, is it possible to execute the "!yt" or "!ytdl" in a script? // Sorry for new thread ;) Regards
  5. R

    EN Block User with Bot

    That would be great ^^ But okay
  6. R

    EN Block User with Bot

    Okay i just wanted to write a plugin to prevent special users from massive use of !say .. So that they get blocked for 200 seconds or smth^^ but nvm, thanks anyways
  7. R

    EN Block User with Bot

    Hey, is it possible to block a User with the Bot ? So that he ignores his commands or better just "return false" for an existing command? Regards
  8. R

    !search für Youtube-Playlists

    Hallo, vielleicht wäre es möglich und eine nützliche Funktion, wenn man die !search Funktion auch für Youtube-Playlists benutzen könnte. Ansonsten werde ich mal noch sehen, was man noch so an Scripts für die Community dazu steuern kann (demnächst) --- ReptoxX