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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by TehStuzz

  1. TehStuzz

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    I'm fairly sure I told in the installer to install it, hit y on everything :) I have this line in the config file: YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl" Turns out though that the youtube-dl file is really small though http://puu.sh/pqZFh/4c3935f141.png Could it have been corrupted? I...
  2. TehStuzz

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Alright so here I am again, apparently I cannot use youtube-dl. Using !yt url, the bot will respond that it started downloading, and no errors show up in the log. On the upload page on the webview however, it will display: "error, youtube-dl not available". I've checked that the youtube-dl file...
  3. TehStuzz

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Turns out, I'm a moron I had disabled it, woops :D Thanks man, appreciate the quick response, sorry for wasting your time
  4. TehStuzz

    EN Sinusbot Installer Script

    Heya, After mucking about myself I found your script and used it to install the sinusbot in a new user called sinusbot. I let your script create this user itself, so all permissions should be fine. However when I try to start the bot from the web panel, I get the following error...