How To Prevent Shoulders Pain While Sleeping
Nothing is more irritating than sleeping in pain. You probably never think about shoulder pain during sleep until you experience it. It is almost unbearable to get proper sleep while experiencing shoulder pain. Well, you are probably asking yourself whether there are ways you can prevent such illnesses during sleep. Solve the problems of shoulder pain and improve the quality of your sleep. Here are tips on how to eliminate shoulder pains during sleep.
1) Avoid leaning forward during sleep
Since sleeping on your front relieves the pressure from your shoulders, do not be tempted to take that position during sleep. It will pull your shoulders out of your alignment hence keeping not keeping in a stable rest position. The best way is to sleep on your back since it keeps the joints in a permanent place.
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2) Avoid sleeping on the ailing shoulder
The alternative of sleeping on your back is sleeping on the side that is fine. Here you can use the pillow to help the sore shoulder against further damage. The pad should not be too full and should be as soft as possible. Take a position that makes the sour shoulder comfortable.
3) Use a pillow to support your head
The upper part of your body should be in proper alignment. They will make your shoulders comfortable. Consider adding a rolled-up towel just below the neck to provide extra support. Point to note is that the pillows should not strain your head.
4) Make use of a body pillow
At times any movement during periods of sleep irritates me a lot. In this kind of circumstance, a full-length body pillow can improve our sleep. It will prevent too much movement during sleep. A full-length pillow is quite comfortable as well for a shoulder pain patient. However, if the pillow increases, avoid it.
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5) Regular exercise
Staying as active as possible will improve the blood flow in your body. It will, in turn, help the muscles and tendons in your shoulder heal faster. Additionally, gentle stretches on your affected shoulder will reduce the pain. Constant massage will also relieve the pain from your shoulder. Taking one position will bring further pain. Therefore gentle movement will help.
6) Avoid Too Much Activity
Know your limits. Avoid activities that could jeopardize your healing process. For instance, carrying too much weight will strain the affected shoulder. It does not mean that you avoid any movement. Involve yourself in activities that will not strain your shoulder. Therapy will also help reduce the pain from your shoulder.
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Final Word
The most common causes of shoulder pains include bursitis, cuff injuries and osteoarthritis. Sleeping on an already injured or sore shoulder can cause further damage. Make use of the tips mentioned above if you experience any shoulder pain. However, if the pain persists, visit the nearest health facility for a checkup. Your doctor will access your shoulder and recommend a treatment plan that will help heal your shoulder.