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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
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  • Dear xDefcon,

    first of all amazing work! But I have a question regarding your AntiProxy Script/API.

    Since I moved my TeamSpeak Server from a hosting solution to host it myself over my VPS
    I constantly only get the “you have exceeded the maximum hourly rate of requests to the API”

    Even if no one with a group to check connects, the first clients who should be checked generates
    this error.

    I think it has something to do with some TeamSpeak Viewer, which connects query clients with the
    Guest group which should be checked. But since it worked before under the same circumstances
    I do not know what the problem is.

    Also the Script only appears when loaded and when the error occur in my Sinusbot logs.

    2021-09-14T18:16:08+02:00 script AntiProxy loaded

    AntiProxy by xDefcon
    Running time: 1352.708secs
    Proxies detected: 0
    Last detection: Never
    Checked IPs: 3
    IP cached locally: 0
    API requests: 1

    Maybe you have access to more details/logs than me so that you could tell me what is going on.

    I really like this script but right now it is rendered useless beside notifying me.

    Kind Regards,

    Gianluca Leuthen
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    Hello, the VPN/PROXY Does not work for me anymore, i've tried diffrent Dedicated boxes and identiys and Even down graded the bot and still doesnt work.
    I've contacted you on discord
    Working on a Proxy detection web service and on its implementation with SinusBot!
    Ok i found a way to use both if u put %u at the beginning its the currently online users if u put it at the end its the record but is there a way to add a variable which automatically does (record/online)- 4 (for the bots)?
    Hey , could you update the plugin "Online Users Record" so the bot updates the channel with currently users online ( current users online - bot/s) is that possible?
    Yes, it is, I currently stopped to develop scripts as I am waiting for an update for SinusBot. When a new update that fixes some API inconsistencies is released, I will be active and update/release new scripts.
    Can you make script that record how many online in the server please answer fast
    Yes, it is possible, you mean a channel updated with currently online users?
    Hi, I'm using your animated name script (Great job BTW) but it spams server chat with my bot changing its name how do I stop it?
    You can not stop the "spam" in the server log, it's a TeamSpeak base function. You can use animated description to avoid this small problem
    wan das noch on lin spieler zeigen kann wer das top
    Are you talking about Online Users Record? Can you please reply in english? It's hard for me to understand german, thanks :)
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