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TS3 PlaylistTracks 1.3.0

No permission to download
Required SinusBot Version
Compatible Backends
  1. TeamSpeak 3
This simple scripts offers you the option to list up all tracks from a playlist you had defined on the bot by using a chat command. More detailed information below.

  • Permission Restriction
    • This can be setup by using the group Ids which should be permitted to run the commands, in case you do not setup this settings, everyone is able to.
  • Command adjustment
    • Here you can change the action trigger command !listplaylist to something else you like to.
  • Alternative search mode
    • If you check the box the script won't only check for exact matches but also for look for playlist which contain the given text
    • Note: The script will only return contain matches if no direct match is found and if it will always return the first contain match.
  • Chat Restriction
    • You can select with check boxes on which chats the script should respond
    • Note: If you don't select at least one, the script won't answer at all.

  • !listplaylist <here comes the playlist name>
    • Appending the exact name of the playlist will list all tracks which are included in it.
  • !listplaylist
    • Just executing the command will list all the existing playlists on the bot.

Version history:
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial Release
  • 1.1.0
    • Fixed a bug which caused the bot to inform users which aren't permitted and they wrote any chat message in the chats the bot is listening about the fact they aren't permitted to execute the command.
    • Added the !listplaylist command functionality without having any playlist name appended to list up all existing playlists.
    • Fixed some wrong / uncomplete strings
  • 1.1.1
    • code optimization
    • Adjusted some output strings
  • 1.1.2
    • fixed a bug which seems to break to the commands in case no permission group was assigned / assigned once.
  • 1.2.0
    • renamed the script from "PlaylistTracks Listing-Tool" to "PlaylistTracks"
    • code optimization
    • removed the chat message prefix "PTLT"
    • fixed some wrong strings (Thank you @R3v07v3R)
    • Added an option to adjust the command
    • Adjusted the author information
  • 1.3.0
    • Adjusted compatibility, script requires now: sinusbot 1.0+
    • removed additional prototype implemented which were added due to older engine
    • code optimization / structural adjustments
    • script will now respond to the chat where the command was send to
    • A new search mode as fallback when no direct match was found will check if searched text matches any playlist name and will select the first match
    • Adjusted some output strings

your thoughts and suggestions:
In case you have some ideas to improve this script, let me know and i might adjust the implementation / implement more features you wish to have.
First release
Last update
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