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Search results

  1. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    Thanks for your time and keep doing great work :)
  2. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    Ok, last question. Do all events return client and channel classes or it varies?
  3. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    Also when I engine.log(ev) it displays all the fields in the console. So why is it not possible to stringify this?
  4. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    All would be perfect.
  5. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    I tried stringify but it doesn't return client and channel object intead i get this: {"channel":{},"client":{},"mode":1,"text":"msg"}
  6. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    I'm trying to convert event to json when it's getting triggered then send it to webserver. Here's the code: config.events.forEach(function (e){ if(e.active){ event.on(translateEvent(e.event_name), function(ev){ if (ev.client.isSelf()) { return; }...
  7. Pheeko

    EN toString returns [object Object]

    Hey, Can someone tell me why toString() helper function returns [object Object] instead of a string representation of an object? Here's the code: engine.log(ev.toString()); I also tried: engine.log(toString(ev)); var helpers = require('helpers'); engine.log(helpers.toString()); However...