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Search results

  1. P

    EN Script doesnt work

    Hey, is someone able to say, why this script isnt working? registerPlugin({ name: 'Channel Editor', version: '1.0', description: 'This plugin will change the Name of the Channel, if the channel maxclient is reached.', author: 'Michael Friese <[email protected]>', vars: {...
  2. P

    EN Clients of specified Server Groups get moved out of the Channel with command

    Hey, im searching for a script, which does the following things: If you write a command (!moveout), all clients of selected server groups get moved out in a selected channel, you should be able to select more commands (!moveout2) to move other server groups out of your channel in a selected...
  3. P

    EN Channel name editor if max clients are reached

    Hey, im searching for a script, which does the following things: -If channel max clients are reached, the Channel should be renamed. -If you join this specified Channel you should get a message, but you should be able to deactivate this option. Thanks