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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. rasras98

    bot not connect

    (EE) Fatal server error: (EE) Server is already active for display 2 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X2-lock and start again. (EE)
  2. rasras98

    bot not connect

    latest version centos 6 firefox TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd$ ListenHost = "" DataDir = "" ListenPort = 8087 LocalPlayback = false SecretKey = [55, 89, 63, 75, 15, 197, 177, 235, 225, 43, 38, 9, 161, 213, 61, 2$ EnableLocalFS = false...
  3. rasras98

    bot not connect

  4. rasras98

    Tutorial CentOS 6 Install Guide

    xinit /opt/ts3soundboard/ts3bot -- /usr/bin/Xvfb :2 -screen 0 800x600x16 -ac Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension Initializing built-in extension SHAPE Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension Initializing built-in extension...