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A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
Just restarted my bot and it started again on Version 0.9.10-e1fdee3
I am certain it was gone when I've checked it last month, but now my new logfile of today keeps spamming it up again.
2016-03-12 14:01:02.610683|INFO |Newsticker | |Newsticker next check: So. Jan. 1 00:00:01 2017...
Yeah I've seen the button - but after every !yt or !ytdl the bot just went quiet.
And instead of keeping the browser to press the button, the workaround is fine for me. :)
This was just a workaround and a little playing from 2 years ago. i'll keep this up as reference.
Sinusbot had a feature some time ago where the bot would just autoplay the "all music" playlist if there were no playlist and/or shuffle was enabled.
(GER thread...
TL;DR had 95GB logfiles in the TS3Client /log directory because of newsticker
Tuesday my TS3Server kept on crashing - when I wanted to restart it i just got an I/O Error from the server.
Didn't want to troubleshoot so I just installed a backup.
Today it happened again. I was...
seit dem letzten Update hat sich das Verhalten bzgl. der wiedergabe geändert und ich könnte da mal hilfe gebrauchen.
Version: 0.9.9-4965f0f
Wenn ich via "!play <Name>" via TS ein Lied abspiele stoppt nach dem Track die Wiedergabe. Ich habe keine Playlists in meinem Musikbot angelegt, da...
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