• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

help bug

  1. root545

    youtube-dl not work any help !

    i test old version 2021.01.16 not work cannot unmarshal number 46.718 into Go struct field YTDLFormat.abr of type int
  2. Faddi

    EN why does this not work

    Hello I made a script tha should react to any message in specific channels. It doesn't work can you please help me? :D registerPlugin({ name: 'Reaction', version: 'beta0.0.1', backends: ['ts3', 'discord'], description: 'Here you can make automatic reactions on specific...
  3. P

    DE Support-Script gesucht

    Hey, ich suche jemanden, der für uns ein erweitertes Support-Script schreibt. Die Supporter sollen z.B. nach einer Zeit ein zweites Mal angestupst werden und die User sollen aus den Supportchanneln gemoved werden, wenn der Supporter den Raum verlässt. Es gibt einen kleinen Fehler, der auf...
  4. I


    È possibile scegliere tra l'installazione, l'aggiornamento e la rimozione di th e SinusBot. Installatore di Philipp Esswein | DAThosting.eu - Il tuo gioco- / vo iceserver hoster (solo tedesco). Si prega di valutare...
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