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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. bonestorm

    Sugestion - Show lyrics on message

    Hello everyone. I would like to recommend a suggestion related to lyrics from a song. It could work like this: *There is a song playing* Then you are able to send a command to the bot where you get the lyrics from that song, the lyrics could be put by the admin previously from a txt file or...
  2. NT5

    Lyrics 0.0.4

    Search Lyrics from makeitpersonal.co Use: !lyrics {artits} - {song name} Example: !lyrics S3RL - Pretty Rave Girl Requires Sinusbot >= 0.9.17 DISCLAIMER All lyrics are from makeitpersonal.co
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