• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. C

    TS3/Discord Sinusbot Channel Statistics 0.1

    log number of clients per channel to mysql sinusbot script channel-statistics.js display graphs on website ts3-viewer/ https://github.com/subDesTagesMitExtraKaese/sinusbot-channel-statistics
  2. GepmesterHUN

    EN dbQueryCallback function

    Hello, I'm new to programming, I started my project ~2 weeks ago. I'm developing a login system for my server. Can someone please explain me that how dbQueryCallback works? I would be happy if you provide me an example.
  3. Hansel

    Solved Reqeust: Run a database script (server chat)

    I would like a script that sends every 10 min(variable) the server chat to my database.I know there is like a code for that but i don't know how to begin with getting the server chat.
  4. GambarojaLP

    DE [Beta] Teamspeak UCP / PHP Dev's gesucht!

    Servus Community, folgendes steht heute bei mir auf dem Plan. Ich habe in letzter Zeit an einer Seite geschrieben, die als User Control Panel für den Teamspeak fungiert. Nun stehe ich vor folgendem Problem, ich bin am Überlegen es auf Open-Source zu stellen, jedoch ist die...
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