• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. nicatrip

    Sinusbot Azerbaijan Translations

    🤔How to install ? 1) /opt/sinusbotname/data/locales - import 2) go to sinusbot panel 3) Settings 4) Peronel Settings 5) Language - Azeri 6) and it finished - Download: click to By: 4OFF[ADMIN: Rip]
  2. APN Carmine

    Italian Language [FULL] 1.0.0

    Informazioni [IT] Al momento questa è l'unica traduzione italiana più completa e aggiornata, farò del mio meglio per migliorarla sempre di più e di aggiornarla il prima possibile quando ci sono dei nuovi cambiamenti! Informations [EN] At the moment this is the only most complete and updated...
  3. Flanders

    SinusBot Dutch Translation 1.2

    Hello, My name is Flanders and this is my Translation file of SinusBot. This is made by my very own and the use of the "Vertalen.nu" translation website. All the translations are done by myself and not stolen from anyone/anywhere. Down below is the description of my pack shown in 2 languages...
  4. T

    Chinese Traditional Language File | 中文翻譯 1.0

    Please feel free to use it.
  5. derrobin154

    Deutsch - Hessisch Übersetzung 1.0

    Eine Übersetzungsdatei für die Hessichen Benutzer des Musikbots, bisher ist noch nicht alles übersetzt worden, dies kommt aber noch in den nächsten Tagen. Sollte etwas falsch sein, bitte ich das mir zu melden vielen Dank :)
  6. S

    Czech localization

    Czech localization for SinusBot v1.0 Česká lokalizace pro SinusBota v1.0
  7. S

    Czech localization

    Download Czech localization for SinusBot Česká lokalizace pro SinusBota
  8. kapabac

    Русская локализация для SinusBot 0.14.3-0e747fd

    Установка: скачайте и поместите файл ru.json в /папка с ботом/data/locales. Вот и все, осталось только в веб-интерфейсе, в персональных настройках выбрать русский язык. Данный перевод будет постоянно обновляться в случае выхода новых версии программы. Пользуйтесь на здоровье ;) Installation...
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