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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Address already in use?



when i try to stop sinusbot (./sinusbot stop), log is:
NOTICE You may now configure and launch the bots from the webinterface.
error starting up: listen tcp bind: address already in useadmin@vps619152:/home/sinusbot$

But how i can stop use this port, when i cant stop sinusbot?

Thanks for all response.
Oh, btw, what's wrong? I never had any problem with instalation, but today i switch install folder to /home/sinusbot. It's a reason?

2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Closed.
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 TS>QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display unix/:40.0
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 TS>QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not insert into FileTransfer-Tableno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not delete from FileTransferno such table: FileTransfer
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not create Notifications-Tabletable Notifications already exists
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not create WhisperReceive-Tabletable WhisperReceive already exists
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Could not create Chat-Tabletable Chat already exists
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 About to run.
2018-11-26T15:43:49+01:00 Prespawn.
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