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Solved Bot Stopped Working (TSClient quit)

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The bot was working great prior to me restarting a few nights ago. When I try to starting the bot up again, I get the TSClient quit error. (When it was working perfectly fine prior)

  • does your server have enough RAM? At least 200 MB are recommended? - Yup http://i.imgur.com/SXBosgs.png
  • did you follow the installation guide thoroughly and installed all required dependencies? - Yup (worked before)
  • do you run the bot on an officially supported OS? Windows, Debian, Ubuntu are officially supported. - Yup
  • did you try setting the locale manually like it says in the "Troubleshooting" section of the installation guide? - Yes http://i.imgur.com/Sgr6hkl.png
  • did you copy the plugin like it says in the documentation? - Yeah
I tried manually starting a TS Instance and I get:

Normal command I would use to start-up the bot:

Thanks for reading and hopefully there's a solution for this :)
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