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Solved Can't add a root or a Intermediate Certificate To Go With My Signed Certificate

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I gotten a signed certifcate. It seems I can only add the ssl certificate used to encrypt my connection and ot the intermediate nor root certificate in order to have my browser(s) trust such web server. It may seem that why in the world would I pay to get it signed but I didn't, I got it free from here: https://www.startssl.com/ and it works with anything else but the sinusbot's web server. Please help!
You could try to just append the intermediate certificate to the cert file - though I'm not quite sure if it'll work.
The better solution would be to bind the bot to and reverse proxy with nginx or Apache.
I have a similar issue - I'm trying to route sinusbot's assigned subdomain through a Cloudflare-sponsored ssl connection. So far, no luck, but I've reached out to Cloudflare for support.
You need to use port 80 (http) or 443 (https) for Cloudflare to work.
I spoke with the Cloudflare technician. He told me to run it from port 8443 and set a page rule, so I ran it from 8443 and made a few tweaks to my virtual host file.
I did not set a page rule because those are useless when you can do it yourself in the backend of your web server.
If you'd like, I can make a small guide for people that want to run sinusbot through cloudflare ssl in apache2.
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