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Solved Cant change Instance Settings

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is awesome!

I had this on root first and his this problem, made a user in usergroup called bot:bot and did everything from scratch and have the same issue, not sure where logs are saved if these arent them.

Edit: IF logs are the ones on web interface, they are empty for me.
EDITX2: FOUND THE INSTANCE LOGS, THERE YA GO: http://pastebin.com/iHtQ1wjX
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What exactly do you men with Instance Settings?
You need to turn off the instance (with the power button in top right corner) to edit the IP/Port.
Dude i just installed, I can't even change the settings, look
1-I go in instance setting to put IP bla bla bla
2- Save changes> Changes saved successfully
3- Config file not enough you need minimum hostname, port and bot name.
Normally you just have to disable the "autofill" function of google chrome or some extensions you have installed
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