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EN Check if user is member of a specific Servergroup

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Active Member
Tier III
is awesome!
Hey guys,
im still a noob in scripting ^^, but i tried to check if a user who sends a command to the bot is a member of a specific Servergroup:

        if(ev.msg.indexOf('!private') == 0){
            chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Test 1 ' + groupid);
            if(ev.clientServerGroups.indexOf(groupid) >= 0){
                chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Test 2 ' + groupid);
When i send "!private" to the bot i only recieve the Test 1 message.
Yes the client im sending the message from is a member of the Servergroup that is needed.
Yes the bot hast the permissions to recieve the ServerGroups.

What's wrong about this code?
Is there a better way to deal with it?
clientServerGroups is an array that looks like this:

    { i: 10, n: "Groupname" },
    { i: 11, n: "Groupname2" }

This example should list all the groups the user is in.
if (ev.clientServerGroups) {
    ev.clientServerGroups.forEach(function(group) {
        log('Group found: ' + group.n + ', #' + group.i);
} else {
    log('No groups found.');
Just tried out with the new dev tools.
The ServerGroup array is empty:
and yes as the bot has ServerAdmin permissions he's able to see the Server Groups.
There are two reasons that may cause this:
1. Anti-Spam kicks in (you could whitelist the bot)
2. Delay after start (it just takes a while)

However, I will try to optimize this further. :/
1. The bot runs on the same server as the ts3server, so he should be whitelisted by default. However i just added the orginial ip to the whitelist aswell.
2. The instance is running now for more than 30 minutes, but the array is still empty.

I hope you can fix it :) (or tell me what im doing wrong :D)
This doesn't have anything to do with the serverquery whitelist but with the antispam that is bound to users/groups afaik (something like Ignore Anti-Flood in the permission settings).
Okay my fault ^^. However b_client_ignore_antiflood is set to 1 aswell and it still dont work :/
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