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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Commands Ignored

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New Member
to start off hello and good evening!

I just started using this program yesterday and I am trying to get the ts3 commands to work via chat but all i get is User Unknown, command ignored.

how do i work around this issue? are there any specific thing is i have to change on TS? settings?groups?channel?

Thanks in Advance


got it to work!
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is awesome!
You have to go into the webinterface: http://yourdomain.net:8087
Then login as admin with the password "foobar" if you don't changed it already.
Then go to Settings and to User Accounts and create a new one. If your bot is already connected to the TeamSpeak server you will be able to choose an identity, if not you have to create the account, connect the bot to your TeamSpeak Server and then edit the account and choose the identity :)
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