About Us:
EquinoX is a Filipino gaming community whose sole purpose is for gaming. We are highly competitive and we always strive for the top. We have been in the MMORPG scene since 2003, originally named "MostWanted" but with other guilds copying our name we renamed into "EquinoX" to show that we have two sides for everything. We can be your bestfriend or your worst enemy so think twice before you cross us. Our community is continously growing and recruiting talented individuals who excel in games. Our top priority is to provide an elite environment to our members in which winning means everything. We always have our eyes on the prize so that we can stay focused with the task at hand. We like to do things as organized and planned as possible because we believe that working as a unit is the key to victory in every situation. We emphasize our guild on PvP because PvP is the most important factor in a game in which player mechanics and skill matters. You're only one step away from joining us why not have fun and be part of our Brotherhood today and we'll guide you every step of the way.
Our website is http://equinoxgaming.tk [please wait im currently forwarding this to our website host, for now its redirecting. (im currently asking our leader to give me access to its settings will update it using edit on this post)]
Ts3Viewer: here
I hope we won this and I really really thank you for creating sinusbot because w/o it our teamspeak 3 are so boring. .
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