Windows: sinusbot-win-
Windows OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64 bit
Ram: 2 GB
CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU Version (cpu64-vhel6) 2.10Ghz (4 processors)
Browser: Google Chrome
Misc: I set Simple Interval to 160 when it was originally 100 since I read a thread about setting it higher and how it worked for someone but that doesn't seem to work for me, I've tried setting it to numerous other numbers but still the same issue. The issue I am having is the song plays but it sounds distorted / millisecond freezes? I did a speedtest on my VPS and this is the speed for it
Windows OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard 64 bit
Ram: 2 GB
CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU Version (cpu64-vhel6) 2.10Ghz (4 processors)
Browser: Google Chrome
Misc: I set Simple Interval to 160 when it was originally 100 since I read a thread about setting it higher and how it worked for someone but that doesn't seem to work for me, I've tried setting it to numerous other numbers but still the same issue. The issue I am having is the song plays but it sounds distorted / millisecond freezes? I did a speedtest on my VPS and this is the speed for it
TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot2\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = ""
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
MTU = 1500
SampleInterval = 160
StartVNC = false
EnableMulticastMetadata = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "8lWQ+af2zLWC8nrjUKPYifNf7RetMc1iI7O9opAMflY="
EnableAloneMode = false