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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Looking for Beta-Testers (Linux)

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is reticulating splines
Staff member
The upcoming version 0.9.9 (and with that the last step before 1.0) will be released soon™.

The most important changes in this version will be the new scripting engine as well as support for extended licenses.
To make sure everything runs smoothly, I will accept 6 new testers. Every tester will be getting access to the latest builds as well as an extended license that will be bound to his or her TeamSpeak-Servers' IP-Address, enabling up to 5 additional instances for that server.

All you have to do is to send me a private message with a few lines of what you are going to / want to do with the scripting engine and how much knowledge of scripting you have (the bot uses JavaScript) or what else qualifies you as a tester. Feel free to share some links to projects you were involved in and show off a bit.

The chosen participants will receive a confirmation by 8pm CEST on Wednesday.

People with a programming/scripting background and those managing large communities as well as people who have already contributed much on this forums will be prioritized.
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