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Solved Massive Spam via log

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Good evening =)

Found issue, when bot massive output into log with 10 loglevel with error "Invalid size for responce":
  • 0.9.9-3000a19
  • Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS
  • Virtual VPS (4 Core, 12Gb RAM)
  • Chrome 46.0.2490.86m && Firefox 42.0
ListenPort = 5000
ListenHost = ""
TS3Path = "/opt/sinusbot/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
Loglevel = 10
YoutubeDLPath = "/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl"
LogFile = "/opt/sinusbot/log/sinusbot.log"


When I echoed it with " " and restarted bot it has more that 19Gb size :D
0.9.9-3000a19 isn't an official release. A newer and more stable one will follow soon (those issues should have already been fixed).
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