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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

No Compatible version of Teamspeak

Just try it, if u can connect to a 3.1.10 server with a 3.2.3 client. ;)
If that works, also connecting as a bot will work.
Then download the 3.1.10 client (64bit) here, install it manually, and then try starting the sinusbot again.

But consider this - if successful - rather a quick-fix than a permanent solution, since it's really not recommended to run outdated client versions, even less server versions. But I guess you and I know, why you're so keen on keeping "your" version. :rolleyes:

and if you cant connect to the server, then just update the Ts3 Server to 3.6.1
And if so - update to 3.7.0 ... this version fixed a quite severe exploit which is still present in 3.6.1 and prior
its always about these guys who dont want to update their shit... doesnt matter if its teamspeak or whatever...
which opens their servers to attackers more than just wide...
theres a word for it... spam centrifugal :cool:

these updates are there for a reason... so use them... or stop using it completely...
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