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Feature Play the whole folder command

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Well, i'm missing just this one convenient command to play me the 'All Music' folder.. as far as i know, i am able to press the Play all button from the web ui which makes all songs play like they are on a playlist, but i was not able to find a way to do this from teamspeak.. so i suggest adding the !fplay <foldername>

In example:
  • !fplay All - Plays all the music inside all the folders and sub-folders.
  • !fplay Home - Plays all the music on the Home folder "All Music", but not the sub-folders.
  • !fplay MyMusic - Plays all music inside the "MyMusic" folder.

Thank you in advance.
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This is extremely good, because we can only have 20 playlist, in my case i have a folder named (MAKE YOUR FOLDER HERE WITH YOUR NAME) and inside i have a bunch of folders with the name of the users, so this would be a very good feature, thanks for that. ;)
This feature would be great, I agree.
The Problem is, that you can currently have multiple folders named the same!
So if this feature is implemented, we have to think about it a little more ;)
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