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Plugin Crashing Client (Requested to Move from Twitter to the Forums)

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New Member
It used to work without a single problem, it installed Perfectly. And now it completely refuses to work.
I use (I'm fairly certain at least) the latest version of TeamSpeak.
And I use "soundboard-1.0b5-win32"
And I use "ClownfishVoiceChanger-v1.50" (I do not really care for this plugin and would gladly trash it for the Soundboard)
I've removed it, reinstalled TeamSpeak, didn't seem to change. So frankly I'm not too sure whats the deal, because it would only make sense that it would be my computer at this point. Which it very well be.

It crashes on startup.

It started to do this out of the blue. Hopped on a server one day, closed my client after a while, next day I tried to open it, it's just been crashing non-stop until I remove the plugin. I'm fairly certain nothing really changed as well. I've tried just about every Version of Teamspeak with it and it only "worked" as in it loaded on two versions.
Even though it's Compatible with API 20, it always said "Your computer is missing QtCore4.dll" I added that to the TeamSpeak files then it said:
"Version Required: 19"
I removed the QtCore4.dll and it still says "Version Required 19" this issue I'm having really seems to be immensely random.

Checked your dump. It's the 3rd time I saw a crash when a plugin called Clownfish was loaded as well. Could you try to remove it?
Didn't change anything. Thing is it worked Perfectly with it in the past. http://puu.sh/iMlgr/5810ea32f1.dmp"</blockquote>

http://puu.sh/iMtUf/d75c5ab70d.rar (TS3 Files)
https://www.mediafire.com/?hfzsn5lmuxu8lgb (Mirror)

Also I apologize for what is probably an ungodly layout for reading.


is reticulating splines
Staff member
Thanks for moving here! That character limitation on twitter really isn't helping when it comes to solving problems. :)

The latest version of TeamSpeak (and the plugin) uses Qt5, so please never copy any Qt4 libraries into the directories - it'll just make finding issues harder. I haven't found any of those in the files you uploaded, so I guess you've deleted them already.
Other than that, the versions look okay.

Could you please remove the file plugins/bass/bassflac.dll - it causes trouble for some users. Even better would be if you removed the complete plugins/bass directory as well as the file plugins/soundboard.dll and reinstalled the plugin once again. Make sure it's the 1.0b5 you used before.


New Member
I removed plugins/bass/
and plugins/soundboard.dll, even plugins/soundboard even though I knew it would not have made a difference.

I reinstalled it using "soundboard-1.0b5-win32.ts3_plugin". It continued to crash. So I went ahead and uninstalled it again. So I went to your website and re-downloaded the installer. But unfortunately it didn't seem to change anything, at least with as much as I can see considering TeamSpeak is only telling me where the .dmp file is.



is reticulating splines
Staff member
Okay, two more ideas:

a) Search the windows-folder for bass*.dll - there might be a bassflac.dll as well, which might have been installed by another program. If that's the case, move it out of there, just for a test.
b) Delete the soundboard configuration. For some people the "own audio device" option seems to lead to crashes. You can usually find it in C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Roaming\TeamSpeak 3 Client\ -- soundboard.conf


New Member
a) Moved the Dll's out, reinstalled it (they weren't added back if that was meant to happen) and it continued to crash.
Did it without reinstalling same thing. I actually did find 10 DLL's that you haven't mentioned named "bass_***".
"aac, alac, ape, cd, mpc, ofr, opus, talk, wv"
b) This was one of the first things I tried but computers change their minds on what works and what doesn't every day.
Didn't change anything like last time.

It seems in the Addons.ini the soundboard seems to "dupe" itself, if that has any significance.


is reticulating splines
Staff member
Just checked your dump again - it seemed to crash after it loaded C:\Windows\System32\bass_aac.dll
Do you have another dump file for me after you moved out the bass_* files?


New Member
Oh, sorry! Forgot about that. But considering it's no longer necessary since removing "bass_acc.dll" fixed it. (I removed bass.dll, and bass.flac as well) Thank you!
Also here anyways: http://puu.sh/iOu0E/2c87818c7b.dmp
Also sorry for the insanely late replies on occasion.


New Member
U can just load QtCore4 from here http://-----/qtcore4_dll (reliable source) . I had the same error and now everything is working as usually.

Edit by mod: Url removed. You should never download dlls separately from the internet. The TSClient comes with all libs required and the plugin does that as well. Just make sure the API versions match.
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