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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

problem sinusbot

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  • used version 0.9.8
  • used operating system (e.g. Windows, 64bit) windows 7 sp1 64Bits
  • hardware specs (e.g. VPS, Core i7, 8 GB RAM) intel dual core celeron 1.8 Ghz
  • used browser (and maybe plugins) Google Chrome
  • your config.ini
    TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe"
    ListenHost = ""
    DataDir = ""
    ListenPort = 8087
    LocalPlayback = false
    EnableLocalFS = false
    LogLevel = 3
    EnableProfiler = false
    YoutubeDLPath = ""
    EnableDebugConsole = false
    UploadLimit = 83886080
    RunAsUser = 0
    RunAsGroup = 0
    InstanceActionLimit = 6
    UseSSL = false
    SSLKeyFile = ""
    SSLCertFile = ""
    Hostname = ""
    MTU = 1500
    SampleInterval = 100
    StartVNC = false
    EnableMulticastMetadata = false
    EnableWebStream = false
    LogFile = ""
    LicenseKey = "kcsGEjYPZ43K0VOfpBdAZy5WLRDgucDCHAPlFIQz0yo="
    EnableAloneMode = false


  • INGLES: sinusbot gets the audio catching was not so when I was using Windows 10 formatted the pc and put windows 7 and when intalei he was so sorry do not know why the bad English
  • PORTUGUÊS BR: sinusbot fica com o audio travando não estava assim quando eu usava o windows 10 formatei o pc e coloquei o windows 7 e quando intalei ele ficou assim não sei por que desculpe o mal ingles
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