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EN [Request] Kick client on Join Bot Channel

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As title,

I'm very bad as JavaScripting, I'm learning right now but I don't know how work at 100% so I want to request a help for making this.

Is in beta and I'm waiting for optimizing and bug/help or something

Sorry for Bad English



Here you go :) It's untested !!!
    name: 'No Other Bot!',
    version: '1.0',
    description: 'This script will kick other people when join the channel',
    author: 'UnwishingMoon <[email protected]>',
    vars: {
        clientUids: {
            title: 'Comma-separated list of client-ids that the bot should kick',
            type: 'string'
        channel: {
            title: 'Id of the channel',
            type: 'channel'
}, function(sinusbot, config, info) {
    var author = info.author.split(',');
    if(author.length == 1){
        author = author[0];
        author = author.replace(/<.*>/gi, '').trim();
    } else {
        author = author.map(function(e){
            return e.replace(/<.*>/gi, '').trim();
        author = author.join(' & ');
    log(info.name + ' v' + info.version + ' by ' + author + ' for SinusBot v0.9.9-50e8ba1 (and above)');
    if (!config.clientUids) {
        log('Invalid clientUids');
    var channelid = parseInt(config.channel, 10);
    var uids = config.clientUids.split(',');
    sinusbot.on('clientMove', function(ev) {
        if (ev.newChannel == channelid) {
            var i = uids.length;
            while(i--) {
                if (uids[i] == ev.clientUid) {
                    move(ev.clientId, ev.oldChannel);
                    chatPrivate(ev.clientId, 'Bot vietati in questo Canale!');
                    //kickChannel(ev.clientId, 'Bot vietati in questo Canale!'); (instead of the two lines above if you just want to kick the client from the channel)

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"This script will kick other people when join the channel" Huh? What sense?
For exampel if you dont want a secound musicbot in the channel or just ban some users from hearing the music ^^ Just be creative.
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