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won't fix sinusbot creates PID

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Operating System: Linux (systemd based)
SinusBot Version: 0.9.12
TS3 Version: 3.0.12

Hi there!

I was writing a systemd-service for sinusbot today to make startup of my teamspeak-server a little bit more convenient. I noticed that sinusbot is not creating any PID file, which would complete the sinusbot service much more. Is it possible that the sinusbot, as the teamspeak servers are already doing it, creates a pid file for system control?

Best wishes


no longer active, "retired" staff member
is awesome!
is uber awesome!
Operating System: Linux (systemd based)
SinusBot Version: 0.9.12
TS3 Version: 3.0.12

Hi there!

I was writing a systemd-service for sinusbot today to make startup of my teamspeak-server a little bit more convenient. I noticed that sinusbot is not creating any PID file, which would complete the sinusbot service much more. Is it possible that the sinusbot, as the teamspeak servers are already doing it, creates a pid file for system control?

Best wishes
You could create a pid file yourself if you start the process but there's already a perfectly functioning startscript anyway so you don't need to write it yourself (see wiki or this repo for more)
That one's not quite working for me. The control is very laggy and sometimes it won't start properly. I wrote one for myself though which is working pretty decent - also I've got the possibility to attach to the console. For anyone who's interested here the service file

Description=Teamspeak 3 Music Bot (Sinusbot)
After=network.target teamspeak.service #When a Teamspeak service is defined

ExecStart=/usr/bin/screen -L -dmS sinusbot /home/teamspeak/ts3music/sinusbot
ExecStop=/bin/kill -TERM $MAINPID

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