• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

TSClient Quit

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  • Windows
  • Windows 10 - 64 Bit
  • Not too sure how to check this - but if someone could tell me how then I will check and paste the specs in here..
  • I use Chrome for my browser, and I have no plugins enabled on that browse
  • your config.ini
I am not too sure how I change the Log to 10.. I went into the config and all I could see was this:

TS3Path = "C:\\SinusBot\\TeamSpeak 3 Client\\ts3client_win64.exe"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = ""
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
LogLevel = 3
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
MTU = 1500
SampleInterval = 100
StartVNC = false
EnableMulticastMetadata = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "oIHSkbxt0xChKtO+eiXhK6OceXgU7NI/FCItxl0wBQs="
EnableAloneMode = false


Sorry if everything is easy to do.. I am not that good with computers and do not know how to do a lot of things on them.. I am also aware that this thread has been made before, but one of them was for Linux which I don't use, and the other was for a xinnit or something, and I am not too sure if that was my problem..
I set it to 10 - all was fine and then when I started playing music from the web panel it automatically disconnected from the server, here is the output from the log as well:

2015-11-23T17:17:30+00:00 New connection status 4; Error 0
2015-11-23T17:17:30+00:00 Client-Count is now 19
2015-11-23T17:17:30+00:00 Bot got moved to channel 18740
2015-11-23T17:17:35+00:00 STOP [admin] OK
2015-11-23T17:17:36+00:00 Deleting channel
2015-11-23T17:17:36+00:00 Channels now zero
2015-11-23T17:17:36+00:00 Done playing
It's now all of a sudden started crashing again when I start it up, the output is this now when it crashes:

2015-11-23T19:27:19+00:00 Could not delete from Notificationsno such table: Notifications
2015-11-23T19:27:19+00:00 Could not insert into Notifications-Tableno such table: Notifications
2015-11-23T19:27:19+00:00 Could not delete from Notificationsno such table: Notifications
2015-11-23T19:27:19+00:00 Could not insert into Notifications-Tableno such table: Notifications
2015-11-23T19:27:19+00:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2015-11-23T19:27:21+00:00 New connection status 1; Error 0
2015-11-23T19:27:24+00:00 Storing configuration.
2015-11-23T19:27:26+00:00 New connection status 0; Error 1797
2015-11-23T19:27:26+00:00 The bot could not connect. This might have several reasons: the server doesn't exist at that address, the server password is wrong or the security level of your identity is too low.
2015-11-23T19:27:26+00:00 TSClient quit.
2015-11-23T19:27:26+00:00 The bot could not connect. This might have several reasons: the server doesn't exist at that address, the server password is wrong or the security level of your identity is too low.
2015-11-23T19:27:26+00:00 TSClient quit.

Which Server Version and which Client Version you use?
For client I use: Windows Client 64-bit

My TeamSpeak details are this:
Version: on Linux
License:Licensed hosting provider
You could remove your default channel and try again.
The bot has now gone back to crashing.. I had to re-install, I put the log level back to 10 in the config and it's now crashing when I start the bot through the web control panel.
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