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Twitch intégretion

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New Member
For twitch streamers it would be cool to sync the subscribers from a channel with sinusbot that will create a channel or asign a specific group :) have nice day all hope get information soon of someone that knows how to code that script.
This is not possible with the current State of Sinusbot apparently since you need to Authenticate with the Api from Twitch and check if the User has the Permissions on Twitch
This is not possible with the current State of Sinusbot apparently since you need to Authenticate with the Api from Twitch and check if the User has the Permissions on Twitch
Are you sure it would not work?
Wiuth the newest Beta Version you cann add users to a servergroup and I don't see a problem to authenticate with the Twitch API... :)
Yes but you need to verify a few things with the Api which will Access a Page with some Return Values maybe Possible later with the HTML Pages you can create inside the Scripting but would be nice to see an example :)
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