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Solved Youtube-dl Processus

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Hi guys, i have a little problem with youtube-dl.
I play a playlist on sinusbot is work but, on my vps 1 music = 1 processus, and after 1 day, i have 700 processus on my vps.
My hosting disable automatically my vps if i have a lot of processus.
When i kill the bot processus i have 30 processus, but kill bot every day was necessary ?
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you !

  • Lasted version
  • Debian 8
  • TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd$
    ListenHost = ""
    DataDir = ""
    ListenPort = 8087
    LocalPlayback = false
    SecretKey = [6, 105, 230, 248, 39, 76, 186, 235, 139, 162, 237, 29, 107, 120, 1$
    EnableLocalFS = false
    LogLevel = 3
    EnableProfiler = false
    YoutubeDLPath = "youtube-dl"
    EnableDebugConsole = false
    UploadLimit = 83886080
    RunAsUser = 0
    RunAsGroup = 0
    InstanceActionLimit = 6
    UseSSL = false
    SSLKeyFile = ""
    SSLCertFile = ""
    Hostname = ""
Hi guys, i have a little problem with youtube-dl.
I play a playlist on sinusbot is work but, on my vps 1 music = 1 processus, and after 1 day, i have 700 processus on my vps.
My hosting disable automatically my vps if i have a lot of processus.
When i kill the bot processus i have 30 processus, but kill bot every day was necessary ?
Sorry for my bad english.
Thank you !

Heyho please download the latest Update: https://forum.sinusbot.com/resources/beta-0-9-9.3/update?update=125
This should fix it.
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