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probleme "This version expired"

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il me disent "This version expired. Please download a newer version from official SinusBot website ans upgrade." comment faire j'ai essayer de désinstaller et réinstaller rien a faire aider moi s'il vous plait


New Member
The devellopers, especially do not apologize. That would be too much to ask not to get out shit updates like this one?


is reticulating splines
Staff member
The devellopers, especially do not apologize. That would be too much to ask not to get out shit updates like this one?
I hereby apologize for putting out shit updates like this one. If you now could please tell us what's so shitty about it, maybe it can be fixed. If you're just mad about the expiration date, that will (as mentioned many times before on these forums) most likely not get removed before version 1.0 for a couple of reasons...

Marty Joy

I hate to agree with the original poster but it is a shit update.

While your application is great and works well your deployment and contact with the user base via forums and FAQ section makes me wonder if you ever had any experience in a professional project.

For starters did you notify anyone about the new version? A quick email to registered users could have gone a long way.
Why not provide a link to the required version in the actual error message?

You have a section in your FAQ section titled "Why are you guys so mean", and you try to state that you are not and that it's just the users perception. Just my two cents but if you want this project to flourish as much as it has the possibility to, I would highly recommend reading up on ITIL for starters and hiring a Public Relations person to take care of interactions with the user base.


is reticulating splines
Staff member
I hate to agree with the original poster but it is a shit update.

While your application is great and works well your deployment and contact with the user base via forums and FAQ section makes me wonder if you ever had any experience in a professional project.
I guess what you mean to say then, is that the actual update process is shit, not the update itself. We've had various discussions about expiring versions already and while I'm aware that it is controversial with some of you folks, I hope you'll just accept that it's a requirement for now. The latest versions however (the one that now replaces the old one) has gotten a new autoupdater, so that hopefully the next version can be automatically deployed that way - so, less hassle.

And yes, I've got some experience with "professional projects", but this just isn't one right now. This is still just a hobby project of mine and I'm a bit sick of repeating that all the time. I'm already dedicating large parts of my spare time developing AND answering to posts / PMs / eMails. It has become more than I can handle, so sometimes things just won't be optimal for everyone.

Yes, a mail could've been sent out (usually that's the way I announce updates), but with new updates people get more sensible and do complain a lot more, so I usually begin with a "silent" update to see if everything still works for the early adopters, before announcing stuff to everybody.

You have a section in your FAQ section titled "Why are you guys so mean", and you try to state that you are not and that it's just the users perception. Just my two cents but if you want this project to flourish as much as it has the possibility to, I would highly recommend reading up on ITIL for starters and hiring a Public Relations person to take care of interactions with the user base.
While there's a team of moderators that's helping me out with the forums and chat, people really often come to us being rude (for no real reason at all, often it's got nothing to do with the bot at all). There are people demand help 24/7 for all their problems (and of course for free). There are people that write to us in languages we haven't even heard of and obviously demand that we understand them or get a translator ourselves. And if you've talked to 5-6 people like that a day, the 7th person sometimes just won't get the same treatment the first one got. We're all just people handling stuff in our spare time, this is not a large business or whatever people think. That's why I wrote that FAQ entry.

I'm not going to hire a public relations person as this whole project - even if it would flourish as much as it has the possibility to - won't make enough money to even compensate one person. So I'll have no choice as to keep it as it is (at least for now): my little hobby project on which I spend as much time as fits and I'm motivated to - and sometimes sadly waste ranting about why I do things the way I do or reading about how updates are shit, instead of using that time to actually develop. :/

Lala Sabathil

is awesome!
I guess what you mean to say then, is that the actual update process is shit, not the update itself. We've had various discussions about expiring versions already and while I'm aware that it is controversial with some of you folks, I hope you'll just accept that it's a requirement for now. The latest versions however (the one that now replaces the old one) has gotten a new autoupdater, so that hopefully the next version can be automatically deployed that way - so, less hassle.

And yes, I've got some experience with "professional projects", but this just isn't one right now. This is still just a hobby project of mine and I'm a bit sick of repeating that all the time. I'm already dedicating large parts of my spare time developing AND answering to posts / PMs / eMails. It has become more than I can handle, so sometimes things just won't be optimal for everyone.

Yes, a mail could've been sent out (usually that's the way I announce updates), but with new updates people get more sensible and do complain a lot more, so I usually begin with a "silent" update to see if everything still works for the early adopters, before announcing stuff to everybody.

While there's a team of moderators that's helping me out with the forums and chat, people really often come to us being rude (for no real reason at all, often it's got nothing to do with the bot at all). There are people demand help 24/7 for all their problems (and of course for free). There are people that write to us in languages we haven't even heard of and obviously demand that we understand them or get a translator ourselves. And if you've talked to 5-6 people like that a day, the 7th person sometimes just won't get the same treatment the first one got. We're all just people handling stuff in our spare time, this is not a large business or whatever people think. That's why I wrote that FAQ entry.

I'm not going to hire a public relations person as this whole project - even if it would flourish as much as it has the possibility to - won't make enough money to even compensate one person. So I'll have no choice as to keep it as it is (at least for now): my little hobby project on which I spend as much time as fits and I'm motivated to - and sometimes sadly waste ranting about why I do things the way I do or reading about how updates are shit, instead of using that time to actually develop. :/

please respect this!

It's an hobby project
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