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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Sinusbot can't connect to ts3 server



I was installing sinusbot some time ago and everything worked normally then. But now when I try to install it does not connect to the server. After pressing the button to turn on the bot, it does not turn green as always and the bot does not connect to the server. Can you help me somehow? I have searched many threads in this forum but I have not found a solution.

Instance log:
2019-12-22T19:32:12+01:00 closing channels
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 Closed.
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>Available platform plugins are: xcb.
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 About to run.
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 Fail from data reader: read unix @->@: use of closed network connection
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 eof from voice
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 closing channels
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Prespawn.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TSClient quit. LogLevel has been increased, please try to connect again to see more details.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Closed.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TS>
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TS>Available platform plugins are: xcb.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TS>
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TS>This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TS>qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 TS>QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 script command loaded
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 module registered as command
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 registered callback for event chat
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Auto-Starting a5a8824e-8de3-442e-94ac-c30ce1b5b939/cd4d4ad5-9a3b-45cf-943a-bd2a6795cacd in 500 ms...
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Initialization complete
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 executing script command
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Starting instance ts3server://
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 About to run.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Prespawn.
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Spawning instance shortly due to missing configuration file.

Bot log:
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Loading instance://cd4d4ad5-9a3b-45cf-943a-bd2a6795cacd
2019-12-22T19:32:10+01:00 Loading instances

TS3Path = "/opt/ts3soundboard8087/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64"
ListenHost = ""
DataDir = "/opt/ts3soundboard8087/data/"
ListenPort = 8087
LocalPlayback = false
EnableLocalFS = false
MaxBulkOperations = 300
LogLevel = 10
EnableProfiler = false
YoutubeDLPath = ""
EnableDebugConsole = false
AllowStreamPush = false
UploadLimit = 83886080
RunAsUser = 0
RunAsGroup = 0
ExternalFileBase = ""
InstanceActionLimit = 6
UseSSL = false
SSLKeyFile = ""
SSLCertFile = ""
Hostname = ""
HostnameMask = ""
SampleInterval = 60
StartVNC = false
EnableWebStream = false
LogFile = ""
LicenseKey = "ig6DN/bulxpI3j3SuVaLSEE4GWMBBmy1Jkn+AEE3YAs="
IsProxied = false
DenyStreamURLs = []
Pragma = 0
UserAgent = ""

  BufferSize = 524288
  MaxDownloadSize = 419430400
  MaxDownloadRate = 104857600
  MaxSimultaneousChunkDownloads = 6
  CacheStreamed = false
  TimeoutSingleDownloader = 0
  TimeoutMultiDownloader = 0
  ChunkSize = 3145728

  AvatarMaxWidth = 0
  AvatarMaxHeight = 0
  AllowGIF = false


  Debug = false
  AllowReload = false
  EnableTimer = false
  DisableLegacyEvents = false
  DevMode = false
  ScriptTimeout = 5

  Default = ""

  Enable = false

  UserAgent = "SinusBot (1.0.0-beta.5-b262b6a)"
  WaitTime = 0

  Enable = false

  Delay = 0
  Debug = false

  Enable = false
  Size = 0
  Delay = 0
  Interval = 0

  URL = ""
  UpdateInterval = 0

  Enabled = false

Diagnostic script:
 - Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
 - Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-72-generic x86_64
 - Load Average: 0.08 0.13 0.09
 - Uptime: 13 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes, 17 seconds
 - OS x64 check: OK
 - OS Updates: 11 (updates available!)
 - OS Missing Packages: None
 - OS APT Last Update: 22.12.2019 18:02:02 UTC +00:00:00
 - Shell Locale: C.UTF-8
 - Bot Start Script: not found
 - CPU:
    Architecture:        x86_64
    CPU(s):              2
    Thread(s) per core:  1
    Core(s) per socket:  2
    Socket(s):           1
    Model name:          Common KVM processor
    CPU MHz:             4008.000
    Hypervisor vendor:   KVM
    Virtualization type: full
 - RAM: 456.31 MB/3.85 GB in use (11%)
 - SWAP: 0 B/0 B in use (0%) (SWAP disabled)
 - DISK: 2.84 GB/24.05 GB in use (11%)
 - Package versions:
   - libglib: 2.56.4-0ubuntu0.18.04.4

 - Status: running (PIDs: 4613 4612, User: bot)
 - Webinterface: port locally reachable (Port: 8087)
 - Binary: /opt/ts3soundboard8087/sinusbot
 - Binary Info: MD5 Hash: 2ee075d4cb2a3a640862b4eefa0fa6b1, Perms: 777, User: bot
 - Version: 1.0.0-beta.5-b262b6a
 - TS3 Plugin: installed (md5 hash match)
   - Bot Plugin: 2e771e4332cf87da1f72d58aa6923f9f
   - TS3 Client: 2e771e4332cf87da1f72d58aa6923f9f
 - Config:
   - LogLevel = 10 (debug log active)
   - TS3Path = /opt/ts3soundboard8087/TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64/ts3client_linux_amd64 (Version 3.3.2)
   - YoutubeDLPath = not set
 - Installed scripts: advertising.js; alonemode.js; bookmark.js; command.js; followme.js; norecording.js; rememberChannel.js; welcome.js

 - File exists:
   - TS3Client/libqxcb-glx-integration.so: no
 - LDD output:
    linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffecbffa000)
    libswresample.so.2 => /opt/ts3soundboard8087/libswresample.so.2 (0x00007f191f2ae000)
    libavfilter.so.6 => /opt/ts3soundboard8087/libavfilter.so.6 (0x00007f191ef56000)
    libavformat.so.57 => /opt/ts3soundboard8087/libavformat.so.57 (0x00007f191eb55000)
    libavcodec.so.57 => /opt/ts3soundboard8087/libavcodec.so.57 (0x00007f191e1f0000)
    libavutil.so.55 => /opt/ts3soundboard8087/libavutil.so.55 (0x00007f191df7c000)
    libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f191dd78000)
    libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x00007f191d9da000)
    libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f191d7bb000)
    libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f191d432000)
    libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f191d21a000)
    libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f191ce29000)
    libz.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 (0x00007f191cc0c000)
    librt.so.1 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1 (0x00007f191ca04000)
    /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f191f4c8000)

 - HTTPS check with IPv4 mode: SUCCESS [Connection established to www.sinusbot.com, CODE #200]
 - HTTPS check with IPv6 mode: IGNORED [Disabled]
 - DNS resolution check: SUCCESS [www.sinusbot.com resolved to]
 - Update server checks:
    update01.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update02.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]
    update03.sinusbot.com -> SUCCESS [CODE #404]

 - Time (local): 22.12.2019 18:40:04 UTC +00:00:00
 - Time (remote): 22.12.2019 18:40:04 UTC +00:00:00
 - Time (difference): 0 secs (Time diff less than 2 secs. Good.)
 - Timezone: Etc/UTC

 - TeamSpeak3 Version: 3.3.2
 - youtube-dl Version: unknown
 - DiagScript Version: 0.8.0
2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. 2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found. 2019-12-22T19:32:11+01:00 TS>QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
have you tried this?

- OS Updates: 11 (updates available!)
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