• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by Patrick15a

  1. Patrick15a

    Hallo @Juniq, Ich bin derzeit dabei die Probleme, die mit der neusten Sinusbot Version...

    Hallo @Juniq, Ich bin derzeit dabei die Probleme, die mit der neusten Sinusbot Version auftreten, zu beheben. Da ich aber kaum Zeit habe dauert dies noch ein wenig. Ich bitte deswegen um Verständnis. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Patrick15a
  2. Patrick15a


    Debian/Ubuntu: As root user: apt install screen as sinusbot user: screen -dmS Sinusbot ./sinusbot when you will open the console use on your sinusbot user: screen -r Sinusbot and go back with STRG + A + D
  3. Patrick15a

    TS3 countOnlineUsers - Bugfix

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed V1.0.1: » Fixed error on startup
  4. Patrick15a

    TS3 countOnlineUsers - Bugfix #2

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed V1.0.2: » Record channel name will now update by updating config/restarting bot
  5. Patrick15a

    => Siehe Unterhaltung

    => Siehe Unterhaltung
  6. Patrick15a

    TS3 [Outdated] Support-Channel Manager (BETA | only in german) - Critical bug fixed

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed V2.1.13: » Critical bug, that users that not defined in the adminId list can open/close the support, was fixed.
  7. Patrick15a

    TS3 [Outdated] Support-Channel Manager (BETA | only in german) - Updated for the new Scripting Engine, but only a german BETA for now

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed V2.1: » Updated to the new Scripting Engine V2.1.1: » Fixed ServerGroupIDs Support for the AdminIDs V2.1.2 » Fixed "!time" Command V2.1.3 - V2.1.10: » Not significant bug fixes V2.1.11: + Added "!channel" Command (return...
  8. Patrick15a

    TS3 countOnlineUsers - countOnlineUsers

    CountOnlineUsers Display the UserOnlineCount, TeamOnlineCount and UserOnlineRecord in different channels. Update upcomming! Requirements: Sinusbot Version: 0.9.21 - 0.14.3 (1.0.0+ may not work) Backend: Ts3 Last Stable Version: 1.1.1 (Direct Download) Last DevBuild Version: - Quick-Fix...
  9. Patrick15a

    EN Searching for a Online Staff Members Script

    You can use my new Script UserOnlineCount. With best regards Patrick15a
  10. Patrick15a

    TS3 WelcomeMessage+ - Bug Fixes

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed V1.0.4: » Fixed Ignore Clients
  11. Patrick15a

    TS3 WelcomeMessage+ - Bug Fixes

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed V1.0.3: » Fixed the bug that the edited text will send wrong client informations. (Thanks @JanesOY and @LuckyTiger-Gilbert- from BЯO Clan for the Bug Report)
  12. Patrick15a

    TS3 WelcomeMessage+ - Fixed a Bug

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed V1.0.2: » Bug fixed that the WelcomeMessage was not changeable.
  13. Patrick15a

    TS3 YT-search - Better Youtube Playlist Search

    '+' = added | '-' = removed | '»' fixed/changed | '°' = planed V2.1: » Changed Youtube Playlist Search: Now you get the direct Youtube-Video Link if the sinusbot know about that.
  14. Patrick15a

    Bug Bugs mit einigen Channel Funktionen

    Betriebsystem: Linux und Windows SinusBot Version: 0.9.18-8499d2c TS3 Version: Problembeschreibung: Wenn man folgende funktionen an einem channel von "ev.client.getChannels()[0]" ausübt kommt immer die fehlermeldung: Error in script: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer...
  15. Patrick15a

    TS3 WelcomeMessage+ 1.0.6_Quick-Fix

    [WelcomeMessage+] Send a WelcomeMessage to a user when he joined the Server. Requirements: Sinusbot Version: 0.9.21+ Backend: Ts3 Last Version: 1.0.6_Quick-Fix (Direct Download) Last DevBuild Version: - Function in v1.0.x: Send a WelcomeMessage to the user who joined the Server with...
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