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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Recent content by RazvanGFX

  1. RazvanGFX

    Sinusbot do not connect to any teamspeak servers

    I've searched thru forums but I could not find any solutions so now I am here asking for help. Here is the code from diagnostic script and here from sinusbot web interface
  2. RazvanGFX

    Issue with the latest youtube-dl

    I also got a problem with that. I tried to use the "Youtube-Search" Scripts and i get this erros. I looked up on google and tried everything and still not working. Also when i use regular !yt [ !yt url ] works but it works so slowly. (Already used -echo '--force-ipv4' > /etc/youtube-dl.conf )
  3. RazvanGFX

    EN TS3 Ranking system

    Hello, Where I can find the config.ini ? and if have some time helping me setting up the thing I'll appreciate that.
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