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Change Channelcodec and Quality automaticly

Change Channelcodec and Quality automaticly 1.4.1

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Reviews 4.45 star(s) 12 reviews

working perfectly
worked in the past, now it fails to load
log: Script Change_Channelcodec_And_Quality_Automaticly returned an error (main function): TypeError: 'on' is not a function
at main (Change_Channelcodec_And_Quality_Automaticly.js:43:2)
at ScriptRunner (<anonymous>:42:5)
at <unknown>
works perfect. but the bot switch only to codec level 9. it is not changing to music codec lvl 10 if lvl 10 was set it the settings. The Bot has the permissions.
Awesome, working well and even better ;)
Works great!
But can you add a the Support for the !come plugin?
when you use the !goaway function your channel codec will not be edited
Working as a charm, simple to configure, the perfect add-on for an music bot on your teamspeak !
Works perfectly
Works and is easy to use
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