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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
CoverLoader [Radio Station Support]

TS3 CoverLoader [Radio Station Support] 1.1

No permission to download
This script will automatically use the Deezer API to search online for cover arts.

  • Downloads cover arts of tracks in radio streams
  • Downloads cover arts of local saved tracks which have no cover
  • Updates cover arts of local saved tracks if there are any changes
  • Sets the new set/updated cover art as avatar
  1. Drop the coverloader.js inside the scripts folder inside your Sinusbot folder
  2. Configure the script according to your wishes
  3. Be Happy =)

If you like this script I would be happy about a positive rating :)
Kevin Händel
First release
Last update


3.53 star(s) 15 ratings

Latest updates

  1. Updated to work again!

    Sorry that this script wasn't working at all since ~January, but now I have updated the script...

Latest reviews

good job; for my friend
thanks darklupi for fix
Just add "requiredModules: ['http'],":6 and add "var http = require('http');":37 and rename "sinusbot.http" to "http.simpleRequest":55/:110 and it work.
Like this https://drive.google.com/file/d/106QQcThMWBnem0fuUkystqdOS4RcxuC1/view

A good Plugin. This plugin work only with radio.
Won't work on Sinusbot 1.0:
error on callback func: Uncaught exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'http' of undefined at CoverLoader_[Radio_Station_Support]:108:13 sinusbot.http({ ^ Stack trace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'http' of undefined at CoverLoader_[Radio_Station_Support]:108:14

Works good, but it spams the Instance Log
Update for the new Siniusbot version please !
Richtig super ^^
Works good! Sometimes the cover is not in the db...
Klappt jetzt seit dem neuen Update wieder wunderbar und genau so wie es soll, danke! Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen sich das Update selbst zu holen ^^.
Bitte update
bitte mach ein update
Please update!
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