• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.
SinusBot for Linux

SinusBot for Linux 1.0.0-beta.16

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Reviews 4.48 star(s) 96 reviews

Works nice, very excited for mumble implementation ;)
How i can update the ts3 client?
Works perfectly after upgrade. Loving the overhauled interface! Looking forward to this bot. 5/5
very very good software
Awesome software! :)
So much more than a simple musicbot. Very useful!
Ich kann bisher von keinen merklichen Bugs in der neuen Version meckern, ein großen Lob an dich @flyth
Very awesome bot and new release! Runs perfectly stable and smooth as hell!!! Best Musicbot, dedicated admin, forum with support and everything for free and also self-hosted with webpanel. It also uses minimum resources, which works very good. Everything is perfect!!! ;)
Seitdem diese Sinusbot Version und die Client Version 3.2.x draußen ist, läuft der Sinusbot perfekt und keine Timeouts treten mehr auf! Der beste Musikbot, den ich je benutzt habe! Danke dafür!
Klappt zuverlässig!
Vielleicht noch die Links im Code oben anpassen, damit man nicht ausversehen die flasche Version herunterlädt :D
Bin begeistert von den neuen Funktionen. :)
Amazing musicbot
Works as expected 11/10
Exceeds expectations, great work! 95% of errors do happen 10 inches in front of the screen... 5/5
Must have resources :D Its the best bot I have seen.
Habe zwar gerade Probleme, aber sehr guter Bot!
Nutze Sinusbot schon ewig <33
Hello! Thank you, everything works as it should be :)
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