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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Raphraph

    EN Check if user is member of a specific Servergroup

    -- Keeping this thread opened for future response or bug fixes --
  2. Raphraph

    Feature Adding new stations

    What do you mean? What type of files have you downloaded? You can use the "Add URL" Button in the "All Music" Section and add the stream link of the station. A feature to add new radio stations is planed I think, but with a very low priority!
  3. Raphraph

    yt downloader not available

    I know why... Your previews YoutubeDLPath = ... is under the [SteamRewrites] which defines a new section. You have to place a YoutubeDLPath = ... BEFORE this section!!
  4. Raphraph

    yt downloader not available

    1. Are you sure that the "youtube-dl.exe" file exists on the defined location? Try to copy the link in the config and paste it in the navigation-bar of your file explorer. 2. You have restarted the bot? 3. Can we have your complete config.ini? 4. Can we have a complete log with "LogLevel = 10" ?
  5. Raphraph

    Feature Permissions per instance

    Could you explain further what you mean?
  6. Raphraph

    Feature Priority Queue

    This could be resolved by creating a script. The script just needs to include a command like !queue-it Then the script has a list of tracks from each user and plays one track of each user before beginning at the first one :)
  7. Raphraph

    EN [Idea] Chat Commands

    Okay :) I will write a script for this soon. But I'm waiting for some new features which will be added :)
  8. Raphraph

    EN [Idea] Chat Commands

    This could be implemented easily... :) But if you want a complete script with something like "permissions" and "administrators", I think you weill have to wait a bit, that the scripting feature has more features :)
  9. Raphraph

    Startscript direkt mitliefern

    :) na dann... jo, hätte sein können :) Aber da es nicht ich bin, der die Server aufgesetzt hat, sondern nen Linux-Profi der das beruflich macht, muss ich mich nicht darum kümmern ^^ Naja nicht wirklich :) Der oben genannte Profi mag Proxmox und deswegen ist das so... :D soll mich aber nicht...
  10. Raphraph

    Startscript direkt mitliefern

    :D ich kenne mich mit Linux gut genug aus ;) Es ist nur so, dass ein paar der von mir benutzten Root-Server, mit einer Virtualisierungs-Software (PROXMOX) virtualisiert wurden. :) Und der V-Server auf dem der SinusBot läuft, braucht diesen Befehl nicht und soll ihn auch nicht ausführen können :)
  11. Raphraph

    Startscript direkt mitliefern

    Noch ein kleines update :D Ich habe hier eine alternative, für die die den "killall" aus irgendwelchen Gründen nicht ausführen können ^^ #! /bin/bash ################################################################################## # # # Usage: ./launch.sh {start|stop|status|restart|console}...
  12. Raphraph

    Möglichkeit Benutzerkonten anzufragen

    Zur Möglichkeit es übers Webinterface zu machen: Ist unpraktisch, da die meisten Leute die einen Bot steuern wollen und keinen direkten Kontakt zu nem Admin haben, meist das ganze vom TS steuern wollen, und dafür muss der Client mit dem Account verbunden werden. Es ist also einfacher, wenn dies...
  13. Raphraph

    start on boot / command ignores users

    Or just have a script doing it, and linking it to the boot-scripts. :)
  14. Raphraph


    OPEN means that the developer hasn't sayed something about it... :)
  15. Raphraph

    TTS-url all is correctly set up and didn't works help

    Your link is just even more specific than the ones, which were posted here before :) But it should also work!
  16. Raphraph

    When we have more than 999 music

    I don't know how you can see these numbers... Sorry. But is this really important? I mean, I never use these numbers like "please play the track number 1578" :)
  17. Raphraph

    TSClient quit - "invalid playback device" [SinusBot 0.9.9]

    You should have got a plugin named "libsoundbot_plugin.so" in the "plugin" folder of the version you have downloaded. You have to move this file to the folder named "plugins" which you will find in the folder of your TeamSpeak Client.
  18. Raphraph

    TTS-url all is correctly set up and didn't works help

    I'm using the same as you, and it works fine! :)
  19. Raphraph

    I'm back home! :)

    I'm back home! :)
  20. Raphraph

    Windows 7 Installation - Bot can't find?

    Do you have the TS3 Client installed on your PC ?