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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. Infiniti

    EN Read and write from a text file/JSON file

    Does anyone know if this is possible? It would enable me to do so many awesome things with the moderation and just user interaction in general. Basically I want to be able to create a text file/JSON file in my bot directory, and then make commands that write/read data to/from said file. For...
  2. Infiniti

    EN User Blacklist Script

    I've recently came into a problem where users keep on coming into my channel, spamming their mics and the chat with inappropriate things. We aren't allowed to have passwords/talk power in our channels on my TS server, and I don't have the ability to ban users, so the best I can do is repeatedly...
  3. Infiniti

    Quite a few suggestions

    Okay so I'm too lazy to search through every single suggest thread to see if none of these have been suggested already, so yeah.. -Enqueue YouTube -Allow users to edit all (or most) text outputs of the bot (search text, downloading text, etc.) -Allow playing of certain artists -Let users add...