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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

Search results

  1. M

    Discord Problem

    Männers, ohne das jetzt böse zu meinen: Dieses Projekt ist tot. Der Bot bekommt seit Jahren keine richtigen Updates mehr. Anstatt hier die Community helfen zu lassen, hat sich der Entwickler entschieden den nicht funktionierenden Gammel closed-Source zu halten und weiter Lizenzgebühren für die...
  2. M

    Not able to import SoundCloud songs

    Fixed it ""myself"" :P. Found something interesting on Github, all credit goes to this genius: https://gist.github.com/elderlabs/51e8e25ca8e85228ffd5e2de7b9b748b Steps: Download the .py file from Github Stop your bot Change the YoutubeDLPath in the Sinus config to include ytdl_wrapper.py Start...
  3. M

    Not able to import SoundCloud songs

    Dear Sinusbot Community, currently i have a problem with the sinusbot and soundcloud downloads using the webinterface. If I try to add a SoundCloud song to my music library I get the error "could not import file". yt-dlp on its own works like a charm and is able to download the song using my...