• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. M

    SSL für Sinusbot

    Hey, erstmal übest geiler Bot. Ich versuche über apache ein SSL Zertifikat für Sinusbot zu erstellen, aber wie stelle ich das an, wenn ich die Location für das Adminpanel/Webinterface nicht kenne so das ich da ein Virtuellen Host von Apache hin schicken kann? Hat jemand ne Ahnung in welchem...
  2. G

    Solved Webinterface not loading after configuring reverseproxy

    OS: Linux Kernel 5.0.12.a-1-hardened (Arch based) Sinusbot version: 1.0.0-beta.1-06a54d7 Webserver: Apache2 What does work: Sinusbot correctly starts, connects to the teamspeak3 server, seems to be functional. The domain srv.example.tld/sinusbot is reachable using https and does display the...
  3. VerHext

    rankCSGO 0.1

    Support has ended! Features: [English] Give CSGO Ranking information about your username via chat. Attention: This script use the offical api from csgo-stats.net. [Deutsch] Gibt CSGO Ranking Informationen über deinen Benutzernamen im Chat aus. Achtung: Dieses Script nutzt die offizielle Api...
  4. Dinip

    Solved Apache reversed proxy not showing correctly

    Hi, I'm getting some problems with apache reverse proxy. I followed this and this and i know that there is other topic with the same problem here. Sry for bad english. Thanks sinusbot.conf <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName bot.mydomain.com ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log...
  5. Androrel

    Solved SinusBot web interface under Apache

    Hello, First of all sorry if this thread is not in the right section of this forum. I want to know if the web interface can run under Apache. Thanks for this amazing soft, big up to the team :) Regards, Androrel. Version 0.9.8 running on: Debian 7 or Ubuntu 14.10 (get both x64) 1 vCore 2,4...
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