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  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.

auto mover

  1. r3flex

    TS3 Random Join 1.1

    Random Join script: On connection, script will move client into random empty channel. Script will ignore passworded channels. Options: Max channel needed join power - you can use this to exclude channels with higher needed join permission, (admin channels etc). Ignored Groups - specify multiply...
  2. Runningcore

    TS3 CountryManager 1.4.0

    This script offers you options to manage users based on their country with manual and automatic functions. some use case examples (more/multiple options are available if the full feature width used): assign automatically country groups to users based on their country automatically kick or ban...
  3. I

    DE Auto-Move in bestimmte Channels abhängig der Server-Gruppe

    Hallo zusammen, ich suche nach einem Skript, was jemanden automatisch in einen Channel moved, abhängig von der eben zugewiesenen Server-Gruppe. Hintergrund: Ich benutze das Steam User Query Script, welches jemanden eine Servergruppe zuweist, abhängig davon, welches Steam-Spiel er startet...
  4. irgendwr

    TS3 AFK mover (Away/Mute/Deaf/Idle) v2.4.0

    Note: This script is not being updated frequently - it should still work fine though. Requires an up to date sinusbot (v0.13.37 or later). Installation: Download the script and put it in the scripts folder Reload/restart the bot Go to your webinterface > Settings > Scrips and enable the script...
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