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channel description

  1. Akutasan

    TS3 Display Music in Channel Description 0.2

    Hey! You've seen channel name and bot name changer for your music bot but here is one for your music channel description. Can't do anything wrong with this Script: [+] Choose your own Channel [+] Full support for BB Code [+] Full customization [+] Choose Text if Music is playing [+] Choose...
  2. zaferaslan1905


    I will authorize a person, his uid will be written in the description of the room how can I do that pls
  3. mmoeller

    DE Channel-Beschreibung ändern

    Hallo zusammen✌ Kann mir einer ein Script empfelen oder schreiben, welches auf einen Befehl eine Channel-Beschreibung in eine festgelegte umändert? Bsp: Eingabe:"!supportoffen" = Channel-Beschreibung:"Support hat geöffnet!" Eingabe:"!supportzu" = Channel-Beschreibung:"Support hat...
  4. Kamikaze

    Solved Ts Channel Description length

    Does anyone know whats the max length of a channel description. (maximum amount of characters)
  5. Tuetchen

    Alternating Channel Descriptions 1.0

    Alternating Channel Descriptions This small Script let you alternate the Channel Descriptions between a predefined Set of Channel Descriptions for a Channel. You can define multiple Channels. The refresh Time for each Channel is configurable separately. Installation Move the script file to...
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