• If you need help or want to discuss things, you now can also join us on our Discord Server!
  • A first preview of the unlimited version of SinusBot can be found in the Upcoming Changes thread. A version for Windows will follow, but we don't have a release date, yet.


  1. Lokzmir

    TS3 Change Codec and Quality 1.0.0

    Changes the codec and quality when the music bot is moved. Permissions required: Modify Channel Codec Modify Channel Codec Quality Channel Modify Power Create Channels with Speex Narrowband Codec Create Channels with Speex Wideband Codec Create Channels with Speex Ultra-Wideband Codec Create...
  2. SinusStudios

    [EN/DE] Trouble playing back Icecast stream (Settings)

    [EN] Hello forum, i'm having a lot of trouble playing back an Icecast stream of mine (Source, Icecast and SinusBot are running on a VPS). The source is a gstreamer client broadcasting a 44.1kHz, 160kbit/s lamemp3 signal with a (seemingly, read on) identical silence.mp3 as a fallback-mount. I...
  3. Mareczin

    Change Channelcodec and Quality automaticly 1.4.1

    Now the bot change the channel's codec when it join in, and change back the cannel's codel when it leaves. You can easily change the codec you want in options scripts :) This script needs Permissions: ● Modify Channel Codec ● Modify Channel Codec Quality ● Channel Modify Power ● Create...
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