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http request

  1. Alec7r

    Bug: http.simpleRequest ignoriert headers

    Hallo liebes SinusBot-Team, Beim Scripten ist mir aufgefallen, dass die http.simpleRequest-Funktion die Header die man mitgibt ignoriert und den Request ohne sie abschickt. Mein Request var http = require('http'); http.simpleRequest({ method: 'PATCH', url: 'https://***.de', debug...
  2. Everlike

    EN How to use http request

    Hello, for quite a while now, Iam looking forward to manage or at least show “databases” (stored arrays of objects) in a webinterface so it’s easier for me to see some data more clear. Unfortunately nobody could really explain me how to do so and I also couldn’t figure it out by myself. All I...
  3. Y

    EN How to http request script?

    Hi, Sinusbot script how to http request get or post
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